
we are

Key & Key Communications (KEY&KEY), founded in 1994, is a cultural and scientific Non-Profit Organisation with members of different cultural backgrounds, working in the vast field of communication. Its specific competence regards various kinds of communication: interpersonal, intercultural, visual, verbal, paraverbal (voice), non-verbal (body) communication. Its activities include web design, graphic design, publishing and authoring of online learning platforms, as well as organisation of international meetings, local and international training courses and workshops, cultural events and conferences. The KEY&KEY group is committed to issues of migration, diversity, anti-discrimination and social cohesion with focus on the intercultural dimension. KEY&KEY, with its over 20 years of experience, offers tailor-made research and learner-centred communication training courses for private and public organisations. It provides, therefore, tools and resources to refine interpersonal and organisational communication, emphasising an intercultural perspective. It has a long experience in EU (European Union) co-funded projects as a partner (SPICES “Social Promotion of Intercultural Communication Expertise and Skills”, Grundtvig project 2005-2007 which received two awards: Label Europeo 2006 for innovative learning of languages and Silver Award 2008 for “Quality in Mobility”; e-SPICES “electronic Social Promotion of Intercultural Communication Expertise and Skills“, GLP 2008-2010; ARTERY“ Art, Education and Therapy“, GMP 2010-2012; BRIDGE–IT “Be Relevant to Intercultural Diversity Generation in Europe – International Team”, GMP 2010-2012; RADAR “Regulating AntiDiscrimination and Anti-Racism”, JUST 2014-2016 which received two awards: the my-Vita Award 2016 and my-Vita Award 2019; MILE – My Informal Learning Experience, ERASMUS+ 2016-2018) and as the coordinator of an LdV Partnership project, business_mail (2010-2012) which received the award “Star project 2012”.

In the framework of European projects, KEY&KEY has also been organising several Grundtvig In-Service Training courses and a Grundtvig Workshop on intercultural communication in the context of institutional settings and in the field of art, education and therapy for vulnerable social groups. The results and the methodology worked out in BRIDGE-IT have been exploited, on a local level, within the project FEI – Fondo Europeo per l’Integrazione di cittadini di paesi terzi (European Fund for the Integration of third country nationals) CROSSING CITIES (PROG-104049 FEI 2012 – AZIONE 7: CAPACITY BUILDING).